Närbild på en kvinnas händer som håller i en smartphone. Hon sitter vid en köksbord och på bordet syns en dator och några stearinljus.

Claim of damages

As a customer you are obliged to report what damage you have suffered and what claims for compensation exist. The report must be made within two years of the damage occurring.

Damages claim

Before submitting your claim, please read Information about Claim for damages

I have read the information about claim for damages
Fill in your name
Select an option
Fill in your personal identity number (YYYYMMDDXXXX)
Fill in corporate identity number
Fill in postal address
Fill in postal code and city
Fill in your telephone number
Fill in you e-mail address
Fill in the address where the damage occurred
Fill in the property name
Fill in subscription number, see invoice
Fill in when the damage occur (YYYY-MM-DD)
What has been damaged?
Have the damage been reported to an insurance company?
Business and others who declare VAT state compensation claims excluding VAT
Fill in the total of your claims
Fill in items, make, model, year of purchase, price at purchase, repair costs and claims
Are the compensation claims above excluding VAT?
Select an option
Fill in bank and account number, including clearing number
Godkänn vår personuppgiftspolicy